Rules of Admission and Practice


Effective May 16, 2003
(Includes adopted revisions as of July 16, 2024)

If you would like to apply for admission, please use the applicable application found on the Court Forms page.

Rule 1Definitions and Miscellaneous
Rule 2Committee on Admission and Practice
Rule 3Admission
Rule 4Standards for Professional Conduct and Duties of Practitioners
Rule 5Types and Imposition of Discipline
Rule 6Accusations of Professional Misconduct
Rule 7Practitioners Convicted of Crimes or Disciplined by Other Courts or Governmental Entities
Rule 8Proceedings When Practitioner Declared Mentally Incompetent or Alleged to be Incapacitated
Rule 9Loss of Sponsorship by Non-Attorney Practitioner
Rule 10Disbarment on Consent While Under Disciplinary Investigation
Rule 11Reinstatement Following Disciplinary Action
Rule 12Access to Disciplinary Information
Rule 13Duties of the Clerk
Rule 14Other Court Powers